This is just a copy of the email I sent out that had some issues getting to people. If you didn't get it... tough titties :)
Sorry for the retardedly long list of people I sent this to. My contacts list is immense and though I'd like to have the time to go through and check find who would actually care about this I decided to do the democratic thing and just annoy everyone and let you all sort it out amongst yourselves. And they said I didn't have a good grasp on marketing theory.
I left the US Monday and two days, a subway sandwich in Ramstein, Germany, and a cramped commercial flight later I stepped off onto Kuwaiti tarmac in the wee hours of the morning. Things smell different over here... probably because Axe body spray hasn't caught on yet. It's blistering hot and windy during the day and just hot during the night and the sun rises to fill a dusty blue gray sky before 5 AM. The men hold hands and generally act kind of like adolescent boys and I haven't actually seen a local female yet. I'm beginning to see why there are so many conflicts in this region.
So far things are business as usual just getting used to the climate and taking orientation classes. I don't really feel like I'm halfway across the world. I still eat three times a day and hop on the internet at night. America knows how to go to war. We even have a KFC and a Starbucks. The same company that wouldn't serve my friend because she was in uniform apparently takes no issue with placing a store in the middle of an American military base in a war zone. Capitalism 1 - Ideology 0. The only real difference for me is that I no longer have a cell phone. So don't call me unless you have a thing for voicemail.
So that's that for now, nothing cool to report. I just wanted to write and let you all know I made is safely and despite your worry I think I'd be in worse danger in Los Angeles than I am here. If you received this and don't really know me or care regardless just let me know and I'll be sure to leave you off next time.
Tata for now,
P.s. If you want to make a "moment" out of landing in your first war, preset your ipod. Otherwise you may end up getting stuck listening to "If I were Gay" by Stephen Lynch. True story.