Wednesday, June 1, 2005

A drop in the Pale

oregon so far is a beautiful state. the vegitation is lush and even the major cities like portland have trees lining all the streets. but along with the greenery comes a huge amount of rain. its almost always cloudy if not overcast and the ground is rarely dry. i enjoy it none the less, but i doubt i would enjoy living here full time. im looking forward to taking more pictures to help remember what im seeing these days.

im listening to dune on audio book and through it i feel my thoughts are taking on a more formal patern of arrangement because of the proper english usage and the focus on inward thinking and analysis of minute amounts of data from the outside world. im probably just a nerd.

oregon is also a stark contrast to the southern california feel we’ve driven away from. from fake and baked perfection seeking teenies to overwieght slices of americana, it feels like the people here are the ones europeans think of when they try to mock our way of life. in a way though i do feel at home here with my pale brethren.

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