Saturday, September 29, 2007

Know what would be awesome sause?

....If I could sleep. But I can't so I updated my profile, messeged a few peoples and checked my gmail about 7 times to see if anyone had written me, but no one had.

...If people I write would write me back. I mean I know I'm not the center of the Universe, my mother told me so, but isn't is just common courtesy to return correspondence? Even if it's just a quick IOU-a-real-letter letter, that would be better than nothing. It just kind of makes me feel not so loved.

It's 4:22 in the morning and I'm still in Iraq. It still is sandy outside. I would enjoy a hug and one day where no one around me is a sarcastic burnt out soldier just counting the days until they go home. That would be awesome sause.

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