Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Little Short

I slept pretty much all night and all day. we drove from campbell to redding night night and then today we drove to west linn oregon to stay with some family friends of mine. and when i say we, i mean topher and paul. i slept.

this morning when we were still in the raleys parking lot in redding where we slept last night, a homeless man came up to me and asked me if i had 42 cents. i asked him why he specifically needed 42 cents and he paused for a moment and said “well im a little short.” i replied “well join the club, im a little short too.” he stared at me in probably the blankest expression ive ever seen on someone id actually engaged in conversation and i decided it was best to just give him some change and let him be on his way. my humor is so lost on this world.

that was pretty much the highlight of the day besides staying with the gomboses. they live in a beautiful little culdisack in house filled with antiques and fun little pieces of ancient americana. gail the gombose matriarch is an antique dealer. their daughter alix is a champion volleyball player and i again and reminded that i am… a little short.

on the road we play battleship but with a twist. you have to come up with a word starting with the letter of the grid. the d section is particularly entertaining.

its getting on the in the evening and we are watching family guy full of pizza and im about to take a shower. i love life.

all for today.

mt shasta is really beautiful.

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